Selective Publications
Zancolli G., Marcus von Reumont B., Anderluh G., Caliskan F., Chiusano M.L., Fröhlich J., Hapeshi E., Hempel B-F, Ikonomopoulou M.P., Jungo F., Marchot P., de Farias T.M., Modica M.V., Moran Y., Nalbantsoy A., Procházka J., Tarallo A., Tonello F., Vitorino R., Zammit M.L., Antunes, A. 2024. Web of venom: exploration of big data resources in animal toxin research. GigaScience 13, giae054.
Fernandez-Rojo M.A., Pearen, M.A., Burgess, A.G., Ikonomopoulou M.P., Hoang-Le D., Nawaratna S., Poli M., Gobert G.N., Brooks A.J., Jones A., Arosio P., & Ramm G.A. 2024. The heavy subunit of ferritin stimulates NLRP3 inflammasomes in hepatic stellate cells through ICAM-1 to drive hepatic inflammation. Science Signaling 17 (830):eade4335.
op den Brouw B., Fernandez Rojo M.A., Charlton T., Fry B.G., & Ikonomopoulou M.P. 2023. Malaysian and Chinese king cobra venom cytotoxicity in melanoma (MM96L) and neonatal foreskin fibroblasts (NFF) show broad-spectrum potency that differs by age and location. Toxins 15(9):549.
Dashevsky D., Baumann, K., Undheim E.A.B., Nouwens A., Ikonomopoulou M.P., Schmidt J.O., Ge L., Kwok H.F., Rodriguez J., Fry B.G. 2023. Functional and proteomic insights into Aculeata venoms: Evolutionary and toxinological implications. Toxins 15(3), 224.
​Moral-Sanz, J., Fernandez-Rojo, M.A., Colmenarejo, G., Kurdyukov, S., Brust, A., Ragnarsson, L., Andersson, A., Vila, S.F., Cabezas-Sainz, P., Wilhelm, P., Vela-Sebastian, A., Fernández-Carrasco, I., Chin, Y.K.Y., López- Mancheño, Y., Smallwood, T.B., Clark, R.J., Fry, B.J., King, G.F., Ramm, G.A., Alewood, P.F., Lewis, R.J., Mulvenna, J.P., Boyle, G.M., Sanchez, L.E., Neely, G.G., Miles, J.J., Ikonomopoulou, M.P. 2022. The structural conformation of the tachykinin domain drives the anti-tumoral activity of an octopus peptide in melanoma BRAFV600E. British Journal of Pharmacology 179(20): 4878-4896.
von Reumont, B.M., Anderluh, G., Antunes, A., Ayvazyan, N., Beis, D., Caliskan, F., Crnković, A., Damm, M., Dutertre, S., Ellgaard, L., Gajski, G., German, H., Halassy, B., Hempel, B.-F., Hucho, T., Igci, N., Ikonomopoulou, M.P., Karbat, I., Klapa, M.I., Koludarov, I., Kool, J., Lüddecke, T., Ben Mansour, R., Modica, M.V., Moran, Y., Nalbantsoy, A., Pachón Ibáñez, M.E., Panagiotopoulos, A., Reuveny, E., Sánchez Céspedes, J., Sombke, A., Surm, J.M., Undheim, E., Verdes, A., Zancolli, G.. 2022. Modern venomics – Current insights, novel methods and future perspectives in biological and applied animal venom research. GigaScience 11: giac048.
Marcos-Pasero, H., Aguilar-Aguilar, E., Ikonomopoulou, M.P. & Loria-Kohen, V. 2021. BDNF gene as a precisión skill of obesity management. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1331: 233-248.
op den Brouw, B., Ghezellou, P., Casewell, N.R., Abid Ali, S., Fathinia, B., Fry, B.G., Bos, M.H.A. & Ikonomopoulou, M.P. 2021. Pharmacological characterisation of Pseudocerastes and Eristicophis viper venoms reveal anticancer (melanoma) properties and a potentially novel mode of fibrinogenolysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(13): 6896.
Ryan, R.Y.M., Seymour, J., Loukas, A., Lopez, A.J., Ikonomopoulou, M.P., Miles, J.J. .2021. Immunological responses to envenomation. Frontiers in Human Immunology 12: 1-20.
Ikonomopoulou, M.P.*$, Lopez, Y., Gangoda, L., Novelle, M.G., Martinez-Uña, M., Costa-Machado, L.F., Fernandez-Marcos, P.J., Ramm, G.A., Fernandez-Rojo, M.A.*$. (2021). LXR stimulates a metabolic switch and reveals cholesterol homeostasis as a statin-target against Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease. Cell Reports 34: 108851. *Equally contributing first & senior authors $ Corresponding authors.
Moral-Sanz, J., Fernandez-Rojo, M.A., Potriquet, J., Mukhopadhyay, P., Brust, A., Wilhelm, P., Smallwood, T.B., Clark, R.J., Fry, B.G., Alewood, P.F., Waddell, N., Miles, J.J., Mulvenna, J., Ikonomopoulou, M.P. (2021). ERK and mTORC1 inhibitors enhance the anti-cancer capacity of the Octpep-1 venom-derived peptide in melanoma BRAF(V600E) mutations. Toxins 13(2): 146.
op den Brouw, B., Pacheco Coimbra, F.C., Bourke, L., Huynh, T.M., Vlecken, D.H.W., Ghezellou, P., Fernandez-Rojo, M.A., Ikonomopoulou, M.P., Casewell, N.R., Ali, S.A., Fathina, B., Hodgson, W.C., Fry, B.G. (2021). Extensive variation in the activities of Pseudocerastes and Eristicophis viper venoms suggests divergent envenoming strategies are used for prey capture. Toxins 13(2): 112.
Aguilar-Aguilar, E. Marcos-Pasero, H., Ikonomopoulou, M.P., Loria-Kohen, V. (2020). Food implications in central sensitization syndromes. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9(12): 4106.
Ryan, R.Y.M., Lutzky, V.P., Herzig, V., Smallwood, T.B., Potriquet, J., Wong, Y., Masci, P., Lavin, M.F., King, G.F.J., Lopez, A., Ikonomopoulou, M.P., Miles, J.J. (2020). Venom of the red-bellied black snake Pseudechis porphyriacus shows immunosuppressive potential. Toxins 12(11): E674.
Peter Brown, RELISH Consortium* and Yaoqi Zhou (2019). Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity in biomedical literature search" for publication in DATABASE. DOI 10.1093/database/baz085. *Co aurthor: Ikonomopoulou, MP
Triana-Martinez, F., Da Silva-Alvarez, S., Picallos-Rabina, P., Llanos, S., Barradas, M., Zonari, P., Pedrosa, A., Ferreiros, A., Foyt, D., Reis de Oliveira, C., Serrano, M., Ikonomopoulou, M.P., Fernandez-Marcos, P., Gonzalez-Barcia, M., Vidal, A., Loza, M., Dominguez, E., & Collado-Rodriguez, M. (2019). Identification of Cardiac Glycosides as a novel class of senolytic compounds. Nature Communications 10(1):4731.
Ikonomopoulou, M.P., Fernandez-Rojo MA, Pineda SS et al. (2018). Gomesin inhibits melanoma growth by manipulating key signaling cascades that control cell death and proliferation. Scientific Reports 8(1):11519.
Ikonomopoulou, M.P. and Fernandez-Rojo, M.A. (2018). The antiproliferative and apoptotic profile of gomesin against DFTD. Invited editorial by Cell Death & Disease 9(8): 833.
Fernandez-Rojo, M.A., Deplazes, E., Pineda, S.S., Brust, A., Marth, T., Wilhelm, P., Martel, N., Ramm, G.A., Mancera, R.L., Alewood, P.F., Woods, G.M., Belov, K., Miles, J.J., King, G.F., Ikonomopoulou, M.P. (2018). Gomesin peptides prevent proliferation of Devil Facial Tumour Disease cells. Cell Death and Discovery 14(4):19.​
Goldenberg, J., Cipriani, V., Jackson, T.N.W., Arbuckle, K., Debono, J., Dashevsky, D., Panagides, N., Ikonomopoulou, M.P., Koludarov, I., Li, B., Santana, R.C., Nouwens, A., Jones, A., Hay, C., Dunstan, N., Allen, L., Bush, B., Miles, J.J., Ge, L., Kwok, H.F., Fry, B.G. (2018). Proteomic and functional variation within black snake venoms (Elapidae: Pseudechis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, part C 205: 53-61.
Jimenez Martinez. R., Ikonomopoulou, M.P., Lopez, A. & Miles, J.J. (2018). Immune drug discovery from venoms. Review. Toxicon 141:18-24.
Smith J.J*, Herzig V*, Ikonomopoulou M.P*, Dziemborowicz S., Nicholson G.M., Bosmans F., & King G.F. (2017). Promiscuous insect-active toxins from the African theraphosid spider Monocentropus balfouri. Toxins 9(5):155.
Panagides, N*., Rudolf Pretzler, R*., Ikonomopoulou M.P*., Ali, S.A., Jackson, T.N.W., Dobson, D., Sanker, B., Asselin, A., Castro, R., Hendrikx, I., van den Ploeg,H., Tai-a-pin, J., van den Berg, R., Harald M.I. Kerkkamp, Vonk, F., Naude, A., Strydom, M., Jacobsz, L., Miles, J.J., Fry, B.J. (2017). How the cobra got its venom: cytotoxicity as a defensive innovation and its co-evolution with hooding and spitting. Toxins 9(3): 103. This study was featured as a cover page in Toxins.
Ikonomopoulou, M.P.*, Smith, J.J.*, Herzig, V.*, Pineda, S.S., Dziemborowicz, S., Sing-Yan, E., Durek, T., Gilchrist J., Alewood, P.F., Nicholson G.M., Bosmans F., & King, G.F. (2016). Isolation of two insecticidal toxins from venom of the Australian theraphosid spider Coremiocnemis tropix. Toxicon 123: 62-70.
Herzig, V.*, Ikonomopoulou, M.P*, Smith, J.J.*, Dziemborowicz, S., Gilchrist, J., Kuhn-Nentwig, L., Nicholson, G.M., Bosmans, F., & King G.F. (2016). Molecular basis of the remarkable species selectivity of an insecticidal sodium channel toxin from the African spider Augacephalus ezendami. Scientific Reports 6: 29538.
Pineda, S.S., Undheim, E.A.B., Rupasinghe, D.B., Ikonomopoulou, M.P., & King, G.F. (2014). Spider venomics: implications for drug discovery. Future Med Chem (Invited Review) 6(15): 1-16.
Smith J.J., Lau C.H.Y., Herzig V., Ikonomopoulou M.P., King G.F., & Rash L.D. (2014). Therapeutic applications of spider-venom peptides. In: Venoms to Drugs: Venom as a Source for the Development of Human Therapeutics (King, G.F., ed.), Chapter 8, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK.
Fernandez-Rojo, M.A., Gongora, M., Fitzsimmons, R., Martel, N., Martin, S.D., Nixon, S.J., Brooks, A.J., Ikonomopoulou ,M., Martin, S., Lo, H., Myers, S., Restall, C., Ferguson, C., Pilch, P., McGee, S., Anderson, R.L., Waters, M.J., Hancock, J.F., Grimmond, S.M., Muscat, G.E.O., & Parton, R.G. (2013). Caveolin-1 is necessary for hepatic oxidative lipid metabolism: evidence for crosstalk between Caveolin-1 and bile acid signaling. Cell Rep 4 (2): 238-247. Recommended as being of special significance in the field of Gastroeneterology and Hepatology by F1000 Faculty (January 2014).
Ikonomopoulou M., & King G.F. (2013). Natural born insect killers: spider-venom peptides and their potential for managing arthropod pests. Outlooks on Pest Management (Invited Review) 24 (1): 16-19.