We aim to identify, characterize and optimize animal venom-derived compounds as drug candidates against aging, cancer and metabolic-related diseases. To achieve our goals we are committed to perform innovative research on dissecting the pharmacological profile of our candidates by using multidisciplinary approaches, including molecular and cell biology, structural biology, medicinal chemistry as well as genetic- and diet-modified mouse models of aging-associated human diseases.
Our two main research lines are focusing on finding novel and safe compounds targeting metastatic melanoma of BRAF mutation and senescent cells for achieving healthy life span and with clinical translational potential.
IMDEA Food Institute
IMDEA Food and Health Institute is part of the “Campus of Excellency” of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), which has the latest scientific infrastructure and facilities. IMDEA-Food Institute undertakes world class research in food, nutrition and health. The Institute utilises personalised nutrition and genetic tools for the prevention and treatment of chronic and metabolic disease and identifies R&D strategies of economic and social value while works closely with the Industry.
Contact us for more information about our research.